GridButton (Civ5 Type)

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This page is a part of the Lua and UI Reference (Civ5).

New Properties


Format: Unknown.
Usage: Unknown.


Format: Unknown.
Usage: Unknown.

New Instance Methods

Methods are functions that belong to an object. Instance methods are invoked through a colon, as in caller:SomeMethod(<args>), where caller is an instance of GridButton.
A colon implictly passes the caller object as the first argument. That is, the former call is equivalent to this one: caller.SomeMethod(caller, <args>)

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Label GetTextControl()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoid2(ProcessType process)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoids(ResourceType building, ResourceType addToList)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LocalizeAndSetText(string name, int searchString = nil, string minFaithForProphet = nil, unknown arg3, unknown arg4, unknown arg5, unknown arg6, unknown arg7, unknown arg8, string arg9, unknown arg10, unknown arg11)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RegisterCallback(MouseType OnSearchTextEnter, (void func(PolicyBranchType policyBranchIndex, UnitType y, Button button)) OnClose = nil)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetText(string localizedString)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoid1(OrderType MAINTAIN_GOLD)

Inherited from ButtonBase

XML Properties: Void1Void2

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ClearCallback(MouseType arg0)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png IsTrackingMiddleMouseButton
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png IsTrackingRightMouseButton
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoid2(ProcessType process)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoids(ResourceType building, ResourceType addToList)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ActionType GetVoid1()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ResourceType GetVoid2()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool IsTrackingLeftMouseButton()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RegisterCallback(MouseType OnSearchTextEnter, (void func(PolicyBranchType policyBranchIndex, UnitType y, Button button)) OnClose = nil)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoid1(OrderType MAINTAIN_GOLD)

Inherited from TextBase

XML Properties: StringFontFontStyleWrapWidthTruncateWidthReduceOnTruncateLeadingOffsetColorSetColor0Color1Color2Color3ForceIMEForceNonIME

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png string GetText()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetFontByName(string arg0)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png SetForceIME
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png SetForceNonIME
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetString(unknown arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetTruncateWidth(int width)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetWrapWidth(PlayerID arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LocalizeAndSetText(string name, int searchString = nil, string minFaithForProphet = nil, unknown arg3, unknown arg4, unknown arg5, unknown arg6, unknown arg7, unknown arg8, string arg9, unknown arg10, unknown arg11)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetText(string localizedString)

Inherited from ControlBase

XML Properties: none.

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png BuildEntry(string arg0, table arg1)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png CalculateInternals()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png CalculateInternalSize()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png CalculateSize()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ClearEntries()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Button GetButton()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RegisterCheckHandler((void func(bool bIsChecked)) OnPolicyInfo)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RegisterSelectionCallback((void func(FaithPurchaseType v1, int v2)) OnChatTarget)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetCheck(bool cityBanners)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetPercent(int percentDone)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetPercents(float productionProgressPercent, float productionProgressPlusThisTurnPercent)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetScrollValue(int arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetTexture(string textureName)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetTextureOffsetVal(int arg0, int offset)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png UnloadTexture()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoid2(ProcessType process)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoids(ResourceType building, ResourceType addToList)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png string GetText()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LocalizeAndSetText(string name, int searchString = nil, string minFaithForProphet = nil, unknown arg3, unknown arg4, unknown arg5, unknown arg6, unknown arg7, unknown arg8, string arg9, unknown arg10, unknown arg11)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RegisterCallback(MouseType OnSearchTextEnter, (void func(PolicyBranchType policyBranchIndex, UnitType y, Button button)) OnClose = nil)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetText(string localizedString)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetVoid1(OrderType MAINTAIN_GOLD)


XML Properties: IDDisabled

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ChangeParent(Image parent)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png DestroyAllChildren()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png string GetID()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetNumChildren
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png IsDisabled
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ReleaseChild(WorldAnchor arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetDisabled(bool disableBanners)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SortChildren((void func(unknown a, unknown b)) SortFunction)


XML Properties: SizeOffsetAnchorAnchorSide

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png unknown, int GetOffsetVal()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int GetOffsetX()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int GetOffsetY()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Vector2 GetSize()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int, int GetSizeVal()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int GetSizeX()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int GetSizeY()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ReprocessAnchoring()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetAnchor(string arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetOffset(Vector2 offset)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetOffsetVal(int xOffset, int yOffset)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetOffsetX(int xOffset)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetOffsetY(int TOP_COMPENSATION)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetSize(table blockSize)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetSizeVal(int baseWidth, int newHeight)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetSizeX(int width)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetSizeY(int newSizeY)


XML Properties: HiddenStyleNoClipColorBranchAlpha

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png BranchResetAnimation()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png CalculateVisibilityBox
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int IsHidden()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetAlpha(float DimAlpha)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetColor(table fadeColor, int arg1)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetColorByName(string colorSet)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetColorChannel(int arg0, float arg1)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetColorVal(int arg0, int arg1 = nil, int arg2 = nil, int arg3 = nil)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetHide(int disablePolicies)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png SetNoClip


XML Properties: NeedsMouseOverConsumeMouseConsumeMouseOverConsumeMouseWheelConsumeMouseButton

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetConsumeMouseButton
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetConsumeMouseOver
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetConsumeMouseWheel
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool HasMouseOver()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png SetConsumeMouseButton
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetConsumeMouseOver(bool arg0)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png SetConsumeMouseWheel

Tool Tip

XML Properties: ToolTipToolTipType

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png EnableToolTip(bool arg0)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetToolTipString
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png IsToolTipEnabled
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LocalizeAndSetToolTip(string description, string minFaithForProphet = nil, string threshold, string moodText, string spyRank, string spyName, string spyRank, string spyName, unknown arg8, unknown arg9, string arg10, unknown arg11, unknown arg12)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetToolTipCallback((void func(Slider control)) TipHandler)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetToolTipString(string foodToolTip)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SetToolTipType(string arg0)

Source code samples

Too many occurences. Only 10 out of 751 are listed.


<GridButton Style="BaseButton"  ID="OK" Size="400,42" Anchor="C,T" Offset="0,0"  Hidden="0">


<GridButton ID="ThemPocketCities" Hidden="1" />


<GridButton Anchor="R,T"  Style="SmallButton" Size="110,32"  Offset="10,5" StateOffsetIncrement="0,0" ID="OptionsButton" >


<GridButton Anchor="L,T" Size="64,30" ID="ShadowRes2048" Style="BaseButton" >
<GridButton Anchor="R,Top" Size="110,30" ID="REQUEST" Style="BaseButton" >


<GridButton  Anchor="L,T" Size="100,28" Offset="0,-1"  Style="ZoomButton" ID="SortbyDLCHosted">


<GridButton Anchor="C,T" ID="ReconnectButton"  Size="320,45"    Style="ZoomButton"  String="TXT_KEY_MULTIPLAYER_RECONNECT" Hidden="1" Disabled="true"  >


<GridButton Anchor="C,B" Size="200,32" Offset="0,20" ID="ApplyResButton" Style="SmallButton" ToolTip="TXT_KEY_OPSCREEN_APPLY_RESOLUTION_TT">


<GridButton Anchor="L,B" Style="SmallButton" Size="150,32" Offset="14,0" StateOffsetIncrement="0,0" ID="CloseButton">
<GridButton Size="170,36" Anchor="C,T" Offset="0,46" Font="TwCenMT18" Color="255,255,255,200" String="" FontStyle="Shadow" Color0="Beige.255" Color1="Black.128" Style="BaseButton" ToolTip="TXT_KEY_POLICY_BRANCH_COMMERCE_HELP" Hidden="0" ID="BranchButton5">

The initial version of this page was created by the Civ5 API Bot, see the Civ5 API Reference FAQ. Some of the texts come from the 2kgames' wiki and most of code samples are copyrighted to Firaxis.
Functions' signatures were either copied from the 2kgames' wiki, or infered from the Lua source files and the binaries. Errors are possible.
Contributors may find help in the Contributors guide to the Civ5 API.