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Revision as of 08:57, 9 August 2012 by DonQuich (talk | contribs) (testing my bot)
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This page is a part of the Lua and UI Reference.

Plot:AddFeatureDummyModel(string dummyTag, string modelTag)
* dummyTag:
* modelTag:
bool Plot:At(int x, int y)
* x:
* y:
int Plot:CalculateBestNatureYield(YieldID yieldID, TeamID eTeam)
* yieldID:
* eTeam:
int Plot:CalculateImprovementYieldChange(ImprovementID improvementID, YieldID yieldID, PlayerID ePlayer, bool optimal, RouteID assumeThisRouteID)
* improvementID:
* yieldID:
* ePlayer:
* optimal:
* assumeThisRouteID:
int Plot:CalculateNatureYield(YieldID yieldID, TeamID eTeam, bool ignoreFeature)
* yieldID:
* eTeam:
* ignoreFeature:
int Plot:CalculateTotalBestNatureYield(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
int Plot:CalculateYield(YieldID yieldID, bool display)
* yieldID:
* display:
bool Plot:CanBuild(BuildActionID buildID, PlayerID ePlayer, bool testVisible)
* buildID:
* ePlayer:
* testVisible:
bool Plot:CanHaveImprovement(ImprovementID improvementID, TeamID eTeam, bool potential)
* improvementID:
* eTeam:
* potential:
bool Plot:CanHaveResource(ResourceID resourceID, bool ignoreLatitude)
* resourceID:
* ignoreLatitude:
bool Plot:ChangeBuildProgress(BuildActionID buildID, int change, TeamID eTeam)
* buildID:
* change:
* eTeam:
Plot:ChangeExtraMovePathCost(int change)
* change:
Plot:ChangeImprovementDuration(int change)
* change:
Plot:ChangeInvisibleVisibilityCount(TeamID eTeam, InvisibilityScopeID invisibleID, int change)
* eTeam:
* invisibleID:
* change:
Plot:ChangeNumResource(int change)
* change:
Plot:ChangeOwnershipDuration(int change)
* change:
Plot:ChangeUpgradeProgress(int change)
* change:
Plot:ChangeVisibilityCount(TeamID eTeam, int change, InvisibilityScopeID seeInvisibleTypeID, bool informExplorationTracking, bool alwaysSeeInvisible)
* eTeam:
* change:
* seeInvisibleTypeID:
* informExplorationTracking:
* alwaysSeeInvisible:
int Plot:CountNumAirUnits(TeamID ePlayer)
* ePlayer:
int Plot:DefenseModifier(TeamID iDefendTeam, bool ignoreBuilding, bool help)
* iDefendTeam:
* ignoreBuilding:
* help:
int Plot:GetArea()
Plot:GetBestDefender(PlayerID eOwner, PlayerID eAttackingPlayer, Unit attacker, bool testAtWar, bool testPotentialEnemy, bool testCanMove)
* eOwner:
* eAttackingPlayer:
* attacker:
* testAtWar:
* testPotentialEnemy:
* testCanMove:
int Plot:GetBuildProgress(BuildActionID buildID)
* buildID:
int Plot:GetBuildTime(BuildActionID buildID)
* buildID:
int Plot:GetBuildTurnsLeft(BuildActionID buildID, int nowExtra, int thenExtra)
* buildID:
* nowExtra:
* thenExtra:
int Plot:GetBuildTurnsTotal(BuildActionID buildID)
* buildID:
int Plot:GetCityRadiusCount()
'Determines continent for plot type.'
int Plot:GetExtraMovePathCost()
int Plot:GetFeatureProduction(BuildActionID buildID, TeamID eTeam, City city)
* buildID:
* eTeam:
* city:
int Plot:GetFeatureVariety()
int Plot:GetFoundValue(PlayerID eIndex)
* eIndex:
int Plot:GetImprovementDuration()
ImprovementID Plot:GetImprovementType()
Plot Plot:GetInlandCorner()
int Plot:GetInvisibleVisibilityCount(TeamID eTeam, InvisibilityScopeID invisibleID)
* eTeam:
* invisibleID:
int Plot:GetLatitude()
int Plot:GetNearestLandArea()
ResourceID Plot:GetNonObsoleteResourceType(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
int Plot:GetNumDefenders(PlayerID ePlayer)
* ePlayer:
int Plot:GetNumFriendlyUnitsOfType(Unit unit)
* unit:
int Plot:GetNumResource()
int Plot:GetNumUnits()
int Plot:GetNumVisibleEnemyDefenders(Unit unit)
* unit:
int Plot:GetNumVisiblePotentialEnemyDefenders(Unit unit)
* unit:
PlayerID Plot:GetOwner()
int Plot:GetOwnershipDuration()
int Plot:GetPlayerCityRadiusCount(PlayerID eIndex)
* eIndex:
int Plot:GetReconCount()
ResourceID Plot:GetResourceType(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
ImprovementID Plot:GetRevealedImprovementType(TeamID eTeam, bool debug)
* eTeam:
* debug:
PlayerID Plot:GetRevealedOwner(TeamID eTeam, bool debug)
* eTeam:
* debug:
RouteID Plot:GetRevealedRouteType(TeamID eTeam, bool debug)
* eTeam:
* debug:
TeamID Plot:GetRevealedTeam(TeamID eTeam, bool debug)
* eTeam:
* debug:
int Plot:GetRiverCrossingCount()
FlowDirectionID Plot:GetRiverEFlowDirection()
FlowDirectionID Plot:GetRiverSEFlowDirection()
FlowDirectionID Plot:GetRiverSWFlowDirection()
RouteID Plot:GetRouteType()
string Plot:GetScriptData()
int Plot:GetTeam()
Plot:GetUnit(int index)
* index:
int Plot:GetUnitPower(PlayerID eOwner)
* eOwner:
int Plot:GetUpgradeProgress()
int Plot:GetUpgradeTimeLeft(ImprovementID improvementID, PlayerID ePlayer)
* improvementID:
* ePlayer:
int Plot:GetVisibilityCount(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
int Plot:GetX()
int Plot:GetY()
int Plot:GetYield(YieldID yieldID)
* yieldID:
bool Plot:GetYieldWithBuild()
bool Plot:HasYield()
bool Plot:IsActiveVisible(bool debug)
* debug:
bool Plot:IsAdjacentNonrevealed(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
bool Plot:IsAdjacentNonvisible(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
bool Plot:IsAdjacentOwned()
bool Plot:IsAdjacentPlayer(PlayerID ePlayer, bool landOnly)
* ePlayer:
* landOnly:
bool Plot:IsAdjacentRevealed(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
bool Plot:IsAdjacentTeam(TeamID eTeam, bool landOnly)
* eTeam:
* landOnly:
bool Plot:IsAdjacentToArea(Area area)
* area:
bool Plot:IsAdjacentToLand()
bool Plot:IsAdjacentToShallowWater()
bool Plot:IsAdjacentVisible(TeamID eTeam, bool debug)
* eTeam:
* debug:
bool Plot:IsBarbarian()
bool Plot:IsBeingWorked()
bool Plot:IsBestAdjacentFound(PlayerID eIndex)
* eIndex:
bool Plot:IsCity()
int Plot:IsCityRadius()
bool Plot:IsCoastalLand()
bool Plot:IsEnemyCity(Unit unit)
* unit:
bool Plot:IsFighting()
bool Plot:IsFlatlands()
bool Plot:IsFreshWater()
bool Plot:IsFriendlyCity(Unit unit, bool checkImprovement)
* unit:
* checkImprovement:
bool Plot:IsFriendlyTerritory(PlayerID ePlayer)
* ePlayer:
bool Plot:IsGoody()
bool Plot:IsHills()
bool Plot:IsImpassable()
bool Plot:IsImprovementPillaged()
bool Plot:IsInvisibleVisible(TeamID eTeam, InvisibilityScopeID invisibleID)
* eTeam:
* invisibleID:
bool Plot:IsLake()
bool Plot:IsMountain()
bool Plot:IsNEOfRiver()
bool Plot:IsNone()
bool Plot:IsNWOfRiver()
bool Plot:IsOpenGround()
bool Plot:IsOwned()
bool Plot:IsOwnershipScore()
bool Plot:IsPlayerCityRadius(PlayerID eIndex)
* eIndex:
bool Plot:IsPotentialCityWork()
bool Plot:IsPotentialCityWorkForArea(Area area)
* area:
bool Plot:IsRevealed(TeamID eTeam, bool debug)
* eTeam:
* debug:
bool Plot:IsRevealedBarbarian()
bool Plot:IsRevealedGoody(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
bool Plot:IsRiverConnection(DirectionID directionID)
* directionID:
bool Plot:IsRiverCrossing(DirectionID directionID)
* directionID:
bool Plot:IsRiverCrossingToPlot(DirectionID directionID)
* directionID:
bool Plot:IsRiverSide()
bool Plot:IsRoughGround()
bool Plot:IsRoute()
bool Plot:IsStartingPlot()
bool Plot:IsUnit()
bool Plot:IsValidDomainForAction(Unit unit)
* unit:
bool Plot:IsValidDomainForLocation(Unit unit)
* unit:
bool Plot:IsVisible(TeamID eTeam, bool debug)
* eTeam:
* debug:
bool Plot:IsVisibleEnemyDefender(Unit unit)
* unit:
bool Plot:IsVisibleEnemyUnit(PlayerID ePlayer)
* ePlayer:
bool Plot:IsVisibleOtherUnit(PlayerID ePlayer)
* ePlayer:
bool Plot:IsVisibleToWatchingHuman()
bool Plot:IsWithinTeamCityRadius(TeamID eTeam, PlayerID eIgnorePlayer)
* eTeam:
* eIgnorePlayer:
bool Plot:IsWOfRiver()
int Plot:MovementCost(Unit unit, Plot fromPlot)
* unit:
* fromPlot:
Plot:NukeExplosion(int range, Unit nukeUnit)
* range:
* nukeUnit:
string Plot:PickFeatureDummyTag(int mouseX, int mouseY)
* mouseX:
* mouseY:
int Plot:SeeFromLevel(TeamID eTeam)
* eTeam:
int Plot:SeeThroughLevel()
int Plot:SetArea()
Plot:SetFeatureDummyTexture(string dummyTag, string textureTag)
* dummyTag:
* textureTag:
Plot:SetFeatureDummyVisibility(string dummyTag, bool show)
* dummyTag:
* show:
Plot:SetImprovementDuration(int newValue)
* newValue:
Plot:SetImprovementPillaged(bool b)
* b:
Plot:SetImprovementType(ImprovementID newValueID)
* newValueID:
Plot:SetNEOfRiver(bool newValue, FlowDirectionID riverDirID)
* newValue:
* riverDirID:
Plot:SetNumResource(int num)
* num:
Plot:SetNWOfRiver(bool newValue, FlowDirectionID riverDirID)
* newValue:
* riverDirID:
Plot:SetOwner(PlayerID eNewValue, int acquiringCityID, bool checkUnits, bool updateResources)
* eNewValue:
* acquiringCityID:
* checkUnits:
* updateResources:
Plot:SetOwnershipDuration(int newValue)
* newValue:
Plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypeID newValueID, bool recalculate, bool rebuildGraphics)
* newValueID:
* recalculate:
* rebuildGraphics:
Plot:SetResourceType(ResourceID newValueID, int numResource)
* newValueID:
* numResource:
Plot:SetRevealed(TeamID eTeam, bool newValue, bool terrainOnly, TeamID eFromTeam)
* eTeam:
* newValue:
* terrainOnly:
* eFromTeam:
Plot:SetRouteType(RouteID newValueID)
* newValueID:
Plot:SetScriptData(string szNewValue)
* szNewValue:
Plot:SetStartingPlot(bool newValue)
* newValue:
Plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainID type)
* type:
Plot:SetUpgradeProgress(int newValue)
* newValue:
Plot:SetWOfRiver(bool newValue, FlowDirectionID riverDirID)
* newValue:
* riverDirID:
bool Plot:ShareAdjacentArea(Plot plot)
* plot: