Tags are either text tags (no prefix; they should contain letters), boolean (prefixed by a b, can be 1 [on] or 0 [off]) or integer (prefixed by i, containing numbers)
Tag | Usage |
PromotionInfos | This begins and ends the file. Everything must go in between these two, or it will not work. |
PromotionInfo | Encloses the entry for each promotion |
Type | The name of the promotion; which must be unique |
Description | The name given to the promotion in the game. |
Sound | In the game, always AS2D_IF_LEVELUP; the sound played when the promotion is given to a unit. |
LayerAnimationPath | Not sure what this does |
PromotionPrereq | Any unit needs this promotion to take the promotion. It can be NONE. |
PromotionPrereqOr1 | If the unit has this and the Promotion defined in PromotionPrereq, it can take this promotion. |
PromotionPrereqOr2 | If the unit has this and the Promotion defined in PromotionPrereq, it can take this promotion. |
TechPrereq | Can be NONE; the technology needed to get this promotion |
StateReligionPrereq | Can be NONE; the State Religion needed to get this promotion |
bLeader | The promotion gives the unit a Warlord |
bBlitz | The promotion lets the unit attack multiple times per turn |
bAmphib | The promotion lets the unit cross rivers and attack out of a transport without penalties |
bRiver | The promotion lets the unit ignore rivers |
bEnemyRoute | The promotion lets the unit use enemy roads |
bAlwaysHeal | The promotion lets the unit heal while moving |
bHillsDoubleMove | The promotion lets the unit move twice as fast in Hills |
bImmuneToFirstStrikes | The promotion means that the unit cannot be affected by enemy Fierst Strikes |
iVisibilityChange | The number of tiles that the unit's Line of Sight increases by |
iMovesChange | The number of extra moves that the promotion gives a unit |
iMoveDiscountChange | Lowers the cost of moving into difficult terrain |
iAirRangeChange | The amount by which the unit's Air Range increases |
iInterceptChange | The amount by which the unit's interception chance increases, in %. |
iEvasionChange | The amount by which the unit's evasion chance increases, in %. |
iWithdrawalChange | The amount by which the unit's withdrawal chance increases, in %. |
iCargoChange | The amount by which the unit's cargo capacity increases. |
iCollateralDamageChange | The amount by which the collateral damage inflicted by the unit increases. |
iBombardRateChange | The amount by which the damage which the unit does to fortifications increases. |
iFirstStrikesChange | The amount by which the number of First Strikes that the unit has increases. |
iChanceFirstStrikesChange | The amount by which the number of First Strike Chances that the unit has increases. |
iEnemyHealChange | The amount by which the rate of healing in enemy lands increases. |
<iNeutralHealChange>0</iNeutralHealChange> <iFriendlyHealChange>0</iFriendlyHealChange> <iSameTileHealChange>0</iSameTileHealChange> <iAdjacentTileHealChange>0</iAdjacentTileHealChange> <iCombatPercent>10</iCombatPercent> <iCityAttack>0</iCityAttack> <iCityDefense>0</iCityDefense> <iHillsAttack>0</iHillsAttack> <iHillsDefense>0</iHillsDefense> <iKamikazePercent>0</iKamikazePercent> <iRevoltProtection>0</iRevoltProtection> <iCollateralDamageProtection>0</iCollateralDamageProtection> <iPillageChange>0</iPillageChange> <iUpgradeDiscount>0</iUpgradeDiscount> <iExperiencePercent>0</iExperiencePercent> <TerrainAttacks/> <TerrainDefenses/> <FeatureAttacks/> <FeatureDefenses/> <UnitCombatMods/> <DomainMods/> <TerrainDoubleMoves/> <FeatureDoubleMoves/> <UnitCombats> <HotKey/> <bAltDown>0</bAltDown> <bShiftDown>0</bShiftDown> <bCtrlDown>0</bCtrlDown> <iHotKeyPriority>0</iHotKeyPriority> <Button>,Art/Interface/Buttons/Promotions/,Art/Interface/Buttons/,8,2</Button>