Civ III Civilopedia Database
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The Civ III Civilopedia Database is a site featuring many civilopedia entries from various mods. It was going to be on the Modiki, but the wiki formatting doesn't work for the purpose, so it was made externally. It is owned by CivFanatics member georgestow, but he hopes to have as many contributors as possible, to make it grow easily. It was made crudely and quickly and currently features entries from AoI, Conquests, History, Rhye's, RAR, TAC and Playground.
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#GOVT_Anarchy ^ ^ ^Anarchy is not so much a system of government as the lack of one. Your civilization can sink into anarchy if the government falls from prolonged $LINK<civil disorder=GCON_Disorder>, or if you sanction a $LINK<revolution=GCON_Revolution>. Anarchy seldom lasts longer than a few turns. But during that period corruption and waste are so high that no production occurs and no taxes are collected; scientific research comes to halt, as well. There is no improvement maintenance when a civilization is in Anarchy. ^ ^Worker efficiency 50% ^Hurry Method None ^Corruption / Waste Catastrophic ^Draft Rate 0 ^Military Police Limit 0 ^Units Support: ^ per town 0 ^ per city 0 ^ per metropolis 0 ^Notes: No city production, no research. #DESC_GOVT_Anarchy ^Change of rule in cultures are often periods of unrest, but when the very framework for government is transformed it almost always results in a period of anarchy. The massive political and social upheaval experienced by the culture during a period of anarchy brings commerce and production to a standstill as cities rise up and government organizations try to restructure. Despite the fact that corruption and waste are absolute, there is a positive side to anarchy-it is temporary. When the smoke clears and the citizens calm down they are ready to embrace a new form of order in your society.