The Civ4UnitInfos XML file controls data related to individual units: for example, a unit's strength value or production cost. There are also more detailed options, affecting things like transport capabilities, prerequisites, and other complex features.
All tags must be opened and closed; the first is the 'open', the second the 'closed' tag. If nothing goes inside a 'list tag', then it should just be the opening tag with a "/" before the closing bracket. The following tables contain all available tags, as well as their purpose and accepted values.
These tags typically bracket other tags, sometimes the entire file, and are generally used to specify more than one piece of data.
Tag Name | Description |
Capture | Either NONE, or the unit which the unit turns into when captured |
Class | The class as defined in CIV4UnitClassInfos.xml. Class is the thing that holds, say, a Swordsman and a Praetorian together; each civilisation can only have one of each class. |
Domain | DOMAIN_ - then AIR, SEA or LAND |
DefaultUnitAI | The default way in which the AI uses the unit. |
Invisible | Either NONE (either meaning not invisible or completely invisible, see below) or INVISIBLE_STEALTH or INVISIBLE_SUBMARINE |
SeeInvisible | Either NONE or a category of invisibility above. Means that the unit can see all units with this type of invisibility |
Special | Should be NONE unless it comes under a heading in CIV4SpecialUnitInfos.xml; in which case write that. |
Type | The name of the unit; which must be unique |
UnitInfo | Each different unit's data is enclosed in a seperate tag like this. |
UnitInfos | This begins and ends the file. Everything must go in between these two, or it will not work. |
UniqueNames | Only ever a closing tag. Just put it in, OK? |
Tag Name | Description |
Description | Either text or a key from the text files. The name displayed for the unit. |
Civilopedia | As above for the Civiliopedia entry |
Strategy | As above for the Sid's Tips, also displayed above the Civilopedia entry |
Advisor | Almost always ADVISOR_MILITARY; the rationale that the game gives for reccomending the unit. |
All of these can either be 1 (on, or true) or 0 (off, or false). Be careful, as you can wind up with a double-negative, which the game will interpret as "True".
Tag Name | Description |
bAnimal | The unit is an animal; the Barbarian State controls it, it can spring from anywhere and it cannot enter cultural borders. |
bFood | A city does not generate food while building this unit |
bNoBadGoodies | When this unit is entering a Tribal Village, the villagers will never be hostile |
bOnlyDefensive | This unit cannot attack other units |
bNoCapture | This unit cannot capture cities |
bQuickCombat | ALways 0; not sure what it actually does |
bRivalTerritory | Can explore rival territory |
bMilitaryHappiness | Counts as a Military Unit in the eyes of the rabble |
bMilitarySupport | Costs money to maintain as part of your military, affected by Pacifism and the like. |
bMilitaryProduction | Counts as a military unit for production bonuses/penalties |
bPillage | Can pillage enemy tiles |
bSpy | Is a spy |
bSabotage | Should only be 1 in Vanilla or Warlords; can Sabotage Production |
bDestroy | Should only be 1 in Vanilla or Warlords; can Destroy Improvement |
bStealPlans | Should only be 1 in Vanilla or Warlords; can Steal Plans |
bInvestigate | Should only be 1 in Vanilla or Warlords; can Investigate City |
bCounterSpy | Should only be 1 in Vanilla or Warlords; can Perform Counterespionage |
bFound | Can found a city |
bGoldenAge | Counts as a Great Person to start a Golden Age |
bInvisible | Is invisible to all units |
bFirstStrikeImmune | Is immune to all First Strikes |
bNoDefensiveBonus | Does not receive defensive bonuses |
bIgnoreBuildingDefense | Ignores defensive bonuses from enemy buildings, like Walls and Castles |
bCanMoveImpassible | If the unit is a Submarine, it can go under Ice. |
bCanMoveAllTerrain | Can move across all terrain |
bFlatMovementCost | Pays a flat movement cost to enter all terrain |
bIgnoreTerrainCost | Ignores movement penalties from terrain |
bNukeInnume | Takes no damage from enemy nukes |
bPrereqBonuses | Needs the mentioned resources to be built (can be NONE) |
bPrereqReligion | Needs the mentioned religion to be built (can be NONE) |
bMechanized | Not sure what this does - used for all land units in a vehicle |
bSuicide | Kills itself upon attacking, like a Kamikaze in the Defence mod |
bHiddenNationality | Bears no marking of nationality |
bAlwaysHostile | Can attack enemy units without declaring war, and can be attacked without triggering a war. All nations treat it as an enemy unit. |
bAltDown | If 1, the hotkey must be used with Alt |
bShiftDown | If 1, the hotkey must be used with Shift |
bCtrlDown | If 1, the hotkey must be used with Ctrl |
bNoRevealMap | A boolean - if 1, the unit does not reveal any tiles except the one it is currently standing on |
Lists (Multi-line)
All List tags consist of an opening/closing tag, which is shown here, then each entry within it as another tag with the same name as the parent tag, minus the "s".
Tag Name | Description |
UnitClassUpgrades | The Classes of unit to which this unit upgrades |
UnitClassTargets | Not sure what this one does |
UnitCombatTargets | Does whatever UnitClassTargets does, but is directed at a particular combat |
UnitClassDefenders | Not sure what this one does |
UnitCombatDefenders | Does whatever UnitClassDefenders does, but is directed at a particular combat |
FlankingStrikes | All unit classes against which the unit gets a Flank Attack |
UnitAIs | Inside here go the methods which the AI uses to command this unit. It dictates the roles which the unit is good for. |
NotUnitAIs | As UnitAIs, but for the tasks which the AI will never consider the unit for. |
Builds | For all the things that the unit can build on tiles; but not wonders that it can build in cities. |
ReligionSpreads | Put the religions which the unit can spread here, if it is a missionary. |
CorporationSpreads | Put the Corporations which the unit can spread here, if it is a CEO. |
GreatPeoples | If the unit can settle in a city, put the type of specialist it becomes here. |
Buildings | The buildings which the unit can construct in a friendly city. |
ForceBuildings | The buildings the unit can construct in any city. |
These tags must be included when writing new entries, or the game will crash or otherwise malfunction.
Tag Name | Description |
HolyCity | If not NONE, then it is the Holy City needed to build the unit |
ReligionType | For units, always NONE. |
StateReligion | If not NONE, the State Religion needed to build this unit |
PrereqReligion | Either NONE, or the religion needed in a city to build this unit |
PrereqCorporation | Either NONE, or the corporation needed in a city to build this unit |
PrereqBuilding | Either NONE, or the building needed in a city to build this unit |
PrereqTech | Either NONE, or the technology that you need to build this unit |
TechTypes | Used as a list tag to enclose PrereqTech tags. |
BonusType | The resource needed to build this unit. |
PrereqBonuses | Used as a list tag to enclose BonusType tags. |
ProductionTraits | The leader traits which affect production of this unit, along with the value. |
Flavors | The 'flavours' of the unit - these relate to leader behavior in the AI |
HurryCostModifier | Impacts the Gold Hurry cost of the unit. |
AdvancedStartCost | The cost in points of the unit on Advanced Start. |
AdvancedStartCostIncrease | Affects the cost in points of the unit on Advanced Start |
MinAreaSize | Minimal number of water squares needed nearby to build sea vessels (20 for all sea units except Work Boats) |
Moves | The number of movement points that the unit has. |
All of these tags have numerical value. Sometimes, it can be negative, usually not.
Tag Name | Description |
iAIWeight | The preference given by the AI to this unit, generally for Unique Units. |
iCost | The cost in hammers of the unit |
iAirRange | Only for Air Units; the range at which it can operate |
iAirUnitCap | Should be 0 |
iDropRange | The range at which the unit can 'jump' from a friendly city |
iNukeRange | The range at which the 'nuke' can be launched - missiles only |
iWorkRate | The rate at which the unit improves tiles |
iBaseDiscover | The rate at which the unit discovers new tiles |
iDiscoverMultiplier | Affects the rate at which the unit discovers new tiles |
iBaseHurry | Amount of production in a city the unit can hurry |
iHurryMultiplier | Multiplier of the above |
iBaseTrade | The basic amount of money that the unit makes from a Trade Mission |
iTradeMultiplier | Affects the amount of money that the unit makes from a Trade Mission |
iGreatWorkCulture | The amount of culture that the unit generates with a Great Work |
iEspionagePoints | Used for Spies - not sure of the exact effect |
iCombat | The unit's base strength |
iCombatLimit | Always 100 - purpose unclear |
iAirCombat | The unit's base strength for Air Units |
iAirCombatLimit | Always 100 - purpose unclear |
iXPValueAttack | The value, in Experience Points, that this unit is worth on the attack |
iXPValueDefense | The value, in Experience Points, that this unit is worth on the defence |
iFirstStrikes | The number of automatic First Strikes that the unit has |
iChanceFirstStrikes | The number of First Strike Chances that the unit has |
iInterceptionProbability | The odds an Air Unit has of intercepting an enemy trying to carry out a mission in the area. |
iEvasionProbability | For air and parachute units; the odds of evading interception |
iWithdrawalProb | The amount of Withdrawal Chance that the unit has |
iCollateralDamage | The amount of Collateral Damage that the unit does |
iCollateralDamageLimit | The maximum amount of collateral damage that the unit can do; so the minimum Strength that the target can be at. |
iCollateralDamageMaxUnits | The greatest number of enemy unit that the unit can inflict damage on |
iCityAttack | The bonus that the unit gets when attacking cities |
iCityDefense | The bonus that the unit gets when defending cities |
iAnimalCombat | The bonus that the unit gets against Animals, in attack or defence. |
iHillsAttack | The bonus that the unit gets when attacking hills |
iHillsDefense | The bonus that the unit gets when defending hills |
iBombRate | The damage that a unit does when carrying out an Air Bomb mission |
iBombardRate | The rate at which a unit Bombards a city |
iCargo | The number of units that the unit can carry |
iConscription | The number of this unit that can be drafted |
iCultureGarrison | The suppression value of a unit while garrisoned in a rebelling city |
iExtraCost | Affects the cost of the unit |
iAsset | Affects the AI's behaviour towards it in some way. |
iPower | Affects the amount that the AI factors it into the equation when determining your military power |
iLeaderExperience | The amount of experience which a certain leader gives this unit |
iHotKeyPriority | Not sure what this does |
Tag Name | Description |
TerrainImpassables | Types of terrain that the unit cannot enter - generally Ocean |
FeatureImpassables | As above for terrain features - like Forests and Jungle |
TerrainPassableTechs | With these technologies, the unit can enter the terrain defined in TerrainImpassables |
FeatureImpassables | With these technologies, the unit can enter the features defined in FeatureImpassables |
TerrainNatives | This affects the terrain animals spawn in |
FeatureNatives | This affects the features animals spawn in |
TerrainAttacks | Attack bonuses that the unit gets in different terrain |
TerrainDefenses | Defence bonuses that the unit gets in different terrain |
FeatureAttacks | Attack bonuses that the unit gets in different features |
FeatureDefenses | Defence bonuses that the unit gets in different features |
UnitClassAttackMods | The bonuses/penalties that the unit gets against specific units in attack |
UnitClassDefenseMods | The bonuses/penalties that the unit gets against specific units in defence |
UnitCombatMods | The bonuses/penalties that the unit gets against different combats |
UnitCombatCollateralImmunes | The unit combats that this unit does not recieve collateral damage from |
DomainMods | The bonuses/penalties that the unit gets against Air, Sea or Land units |
BonusProductionModifiers | Resources that make the unit produce faster |
DomainCargo | The Domains (AIR, SEA, or LAND) that the unit can carry. |
SpecialCargo | Any types of Special Unit that the unit can carry |
HotKey | Never used in the original game - it can be used to define a hotkey for the unit |
FreePromotions | The promotions that this unit starts with |
LeaderPromotions | Promotions which a certain leader gives this unit |
These tags are directly related to the rendering of art for the entry.
Tag Name | Description |
iGroupSize | The number of models in the unit |
fMaxSpeed | Not sure what this does |
fPadTime | Not sure what this does |
iMeleeWaveSize | The number of models that engage in melee combat |
iRangedWaveSize | The number of models that engage in ranged combat at once |
UnitMeshGroups | Holds the unit's art data |
EarlyArtDefineTag | From CIV4ArtDefinesUnit - what the unit looks like in-game |
FormationType | The formation that the unit adopts |
<UnitInfo> <Class>UNITCLASS_LION</Class> <Type>UNIT_LION</Type> <UniqueNames/> <Special>NONE</Special> <Capture>NONE</Capture> <Combat>NONE</Combat> <Domain>DOMAIN_LAND</Domain> <DefaultUnitAI>UNITAI_ANIMAL</DefaultUnitAI> <Invisible>NONE</Invisible> <SeeInvisible>NONE</SeeInvisible> <Description>TXT_KEY_UNIT_LION</Description> <Civilopedia>TXT_KEY_CONCEPT_ANIMALS_PEDIA</Civilopedia> <Strategy>TXT_KEY_UNIT_ANIMAL_STRATEGY</Strategy> <Advisor>NONE</Advisor> <bAnimal>1</bAnimal> <bFood>0</bFood> <bNoBadGoodies>0</bNoBadGoodies> <bOnlyDefensive>0</bOnlyDefensive> <bNoCapture>0</bNoCapture> <bQuickCombat>0</bQuickCombat> <bRivalTerritory>0</bRivalTerritory> <bMilitaryHappiness>0</bMilitaryHappiness> <bMilitarySupport>0</bMilitarySupport> <bMilitaryProduction>0</bMilitaryProduction> <bPillage>0</bPillage> <bSpy>0</bSpy> <bSabotage>0</bSabotage> <bDestroy>0</bDestroy> <bStealPlans>0</bStealPlans> <bInvestigate>0</bInvestigate> <bCounterSpy>0</bCounterSpy> <bFound>0</bFound> <bGoldenAge>0</bGoldenAge> <bInvisible>0</bInvisible> <bFirstStrikeImmune>0</bFirstStrikeImmune> <bNoDefensiveBonus>1</bNoDefensiveBonus> <bIgnoreBuildingDefense>0</bIgnoreBuildingDefense> <bCanMoveImpassable>0</bCanMoveImpassable> <bCanMoveAllTerrain>0</bCanMoveAllTerrain> <bFlatMovementCost>0</bFlatMovementCost> <bIgnoreTerrainCost>0</bIgnoreTerrainCost> <bNukeImmune>0</bNukeImmune> <bPrereqBonuses>0</bPrereqBonuses> <bPrereqReligion>0</bPrereqReligion> <bMechanized>0</bMechanized> <bSuicide>0</bSuicide> <bHiddenNationality>0</bHiddenNationality> <bAlwaysHostile>0</bAlwaysHostile> <UnitClassUpgrades/> <UnitClassTargets/> <UnitCombatTargets/> <UnitClassDefenders/> <UnitCombatDefenders/> <FlankingStrikes/> <UnitAIs> <UnitAI> <UnitAIType>UNITAI_ANIMAL</UnitAIType> <bUnitAI>1</bUnitAI> </UnitAI> </UnitAIs> <NotUnitAIs/> <Builds/> <ReligionSpreads/> <CorporationSpreads/> <GreatPeoples/> <Buildings/> <ForceBuildings/> <HolyCity>NONE</HolyCity> <ReligionType>NONE</ReligionType> <StateReligion>NONE</StateReligion> <PrereqReligion>NONE</PrereqReligion> <PrereqCorporation>NONE</PrereqCorporation> <PrereqBuilding>NONE</PrereqBuilding> <PrereqTech>NONE</PrereqTech> <TechTypes/> <BonusType>NONE</BonusType> <PrereqBonuses/> <ProductionTraits/> <Flavors/> <iAIWeight>0</iAIWeight> <iCost>-1</iCost> <iHurryCostModifier>0</iHurryCostModifier> <iAdvancedStartCost>-1</iAdvancedStartCost> <iAdvancedStartCostIncrease>0</iAdvancedStartCostIncrease> <iMinAreaSize>-1</iMinAreaSize> <iMoves>1</iMoves> <bNoRevealMap>0</bNoRevealMap> <iAirRange>0</iAirRange> <iAirUnitCap>0</iAirUnitCap> <iDropRange>0</iDropRange> <iNukeRange>-1</iNukeRange> <iWorkRate>0</iWorkRate> <iBaseDiscover>0</iBaseDiscover> <iDiscoverMultiplier>0</iDiscoverMultiplier> <iBaseHurry>0</iBaseHurry> <iHurryMultiplier>0</iHurryMultiplier> <iBaseTrade>0</iBaseTrade> <iTradeMultiplier>0</iTradeMultiplier> <iGreatWorkCulture>0</iGreatWorkCulture> <iEspionagePoints>0</iEspionagePoints> <TerrainImpassables/> <FeatureImpassables/> <TerrainPassableTechs/> <FeaturePassableTechs/> <iCombat>2</iCombat> <iCombatLimit>100</iCombatLimit> <iAirCombat>0</iAirCombat> <iAirCombatLimit>0</iAirCombatLimit> <iXPValueAttack>4</iXPValueAttack> <iXPValueDefense>2</iXPValueDefense> <iFirstStrikes>0</iFirstStrikes> <iChanceFirstStrikes>0</iChanceFirstStrikes> <iInterceptionProbability>0</iInterceptionProbability> <iEvasionProbability>0</iEvasionProbability> <iWithdrawalProb>0</iWithdrawalProb> <iCollateralDamage>0</iCollateralDamage> <iCollateralDamageLimit>0</iCollateralDamageLimit> <iCollateralDamageMaxUnits>0</iCollateralDamageMaxUnits> <iCityAttack>0</iCityAttack> <iCityDefense>0</iCityDefense> <iAnimalCombat>0</iAnimalCombat> <iHillsAttack>0</iHillsAttack> <iHillsDefense>0</iHillsDefense> <TerrainNatives> <TerrainNative> <TerrainType>TERRAIN_GRASS</TerrainType> <bTerrainNative>1</bTerrainNative> </TerrainNative> <TerrainNative> <TerrainType>TERRAIN_PLAINS</TerrainType> <bTerrainNative>1</bTerrainNative> </TerrainNative> <TerrainNative> <TerrainType>TERRAIN_DESERT</TerrainType> <bTerrainNative>1</bTerrainNative> </TerrainNative> </TerrainNatives> <FeatureNatives/> <TerrainAttacks/> <TerrainDefenses/> <FeatureAttacks/> <FeatureDefenses/> <UnitClassAttackMods/> <UnitClassDefenseMods/> <UnitCombatMods/> <UnitCombatCollateralImmunes/> <DomainMods/> <BonusProductionModifiers/> <iBombRate>0</iBombRate> <iBombardRate>0</iBombardRate> <SpecialCargo>NONE</SpecialCargo> <DomainCargo>NONE</DomainCargo> <iCargo>0</iCargo> <iConscription>0</iConscription> <iCultureGarrison>0</iCultureGarrison> <iExtraCost>0</iExtraCost> <iAsset>1</iAsset> <iPower>1</iPower> <UnitMeshGroups> <iGroupSize>3</iGroupSize> <fMaxSpeed>1.75</fMaxSpeed> <fPadTime>1</fPadTime> <iMeleeWaveSize>3</iMeleeWaveSize> <iRangedWaveSize>0</iRangedWaveSize> <UnitMeshGroup> <iRequired>3</iRequired> <EarlyArtDefineTag>ART_DEF_UNIT_LION</EarlyArtDefineTag> </UnitMeshGroup> </UnitMeshGroups> <FormationType>FORMATION_TYPE_ANIMAL</FormationType> <HotKey/> <bAltDown>0</bAltDown> <bShiftDown>0</bShiftDown> <bCtrlDown>0</bCtrlDown> <iHotKeyPriority>0</iHotKeyPriority> <FreePromotions/> <LeaderPromotion>NONE</LeaderPromotion> <iLeaderExperience>0</iLeaderExperience> </UnitInfo>
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