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The AudioDefines file contains SoundIDs for sounds used in-game. Audio2DScripts and Audio3DScripts, among other files, refer to the SoundIDs listed here.

All tags must be opened and closed; the first is the "open", the second the "close" tag. If nothing goes inside a "list tag", then it should just be the opening tag with a "/" before the closing bracket. The following tables contain all available tags, as well as their purpose and accepted values.

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Tag Name Description
SoundID The name of the Sound ID that other files reference. Prefixed with identifiers such as SND_, SONG_, or DIPLO_ for easier identification.
Filename The location of the sound file (or files) that contain the audio data for the sound. These are .wav files for sound effects, and .mp3 files for the soundtrack and diplomacy music.

Note that the file extension (.wav or .mp3) should not be included here; only include the filename (e.g. Sounds/Error.wav is listed as Sounds/Error). Furthermore, collections of sounds (usually for unit responses) such as BabylonOrder-000.wav, BabylonOrder-001.wav, BabylonOrder-002.wav, etc. are collectively referenced simply as 'BabylonOrder'. When the sound with this SoundID is played in-game, the sounds makred -000, -001, -002, etc. are selected such that they are different each time. This ensures that if you click on a unit, it will not say the same thing over and over again, and will instead have a variety of differing responses.

LoadType How the sound should be loaded. Types are: RESIDENT -- sound is loaded with the game on startup; STREAMED -- sound is streamed from the disk, not requiring the completion of loading before the sound begins to play (used for larger file sizes such as music or lengthy ambiances); DYNAMIC_RES -- sound is loaded as needed from the disk and played upon completion of loading (used for virtually all sound effects and other small file sizes).


All of these can either be 1 (on, or true) or 0 (off, or false). Be careful, as you can wind up with a double-negative, which the game will interpret as "True".

Tag Name Description
bIsCompressed Unknown. Always 1. (Could theoretically be set to 0 if the sound is not compressed, although the effects of doing so are unknown.)
bInGeneric Unknown. Always 1.


In the following example of code, please note that there is a specific order of all of the tags. You must list the tags in this order for the game to properly interpret your file.


Other Data

This data appears after the entries for the sound files.

Tag Name Description
ContextTypes Unknown
SoundTypes Types of sounds that can appear in game
PositionTypes Unknown
ScriptTypes Types of audio scripts
LoadTypes Unknown
EffectTypes Unknown
GameEnvironmentTypes Unknown
Effects Unknown
GameEnvironmentMap Unknown; nested in Effects
GameEnvironmentType Unknown; nseted in GameEnvironmentMap
ReverbData Unknown; nested in GameEnvironmentMap
EffectType Unknown; nested in GameEnvironmentMap
SpeakerConfigs Unknown
 <SpeakerConfig>Dolby Surround</SpeakerConfig>
 <SpeakerConfig>SRS Circle Surround</SpeakerConfig>
AudioSystemInit Unknown




Audio; Buildings:




Civilizations; Events:
















Italics: Beyond the Sword only