Civ4ArtDefines Improvement

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Revision as of 19:58, 17 May 2009 by Ginger Ale (talk | contribs)
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The Civ4ArtDefines_Improvement file declares art files and properties for all of the terrain improvements.

All tags must be opened and closed; the first is the "open", the second the "close" tag. If nothing goes inside a "list tag", then it should just be the opening tag with a "/" before the closing bracket. The following tables contain all available tags, as well as their purpose and accepted values.

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These tags typically bracket other tags, sometimes the entire file, and are generally used to specify more than one piece of data.

Tag Name Description
ImprovementArtInfo This is the main bracket that encases each entry.
Type Label that is used throughout all other XML files


All of these can either be 1 (on, or true) or 0 (off, or false). Be careful, as you can wind up with a double-negative, which the game will interpret as "True".

Tag Name Description
bExtraAnimations unknown


These tags are directly related to the rendering of art for the entry.

Tag Name Description
fScale Scale on Map
fInterfaceScale multiply by fScale to get scale in Civilopedia
NIF Location of .nif file
KFM Location of .kfm file
Button World Builder Icon.

,path to icon,path to corresponding Atlas,#,#
numbers are x,y location in the atlas.


In the following example of code, please note that there is a specific order of all of the tags. You must list the tags in this order for the game to properly interpret your file.
