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Revision as of 09:08, 20 May 2009

The CIV4CivicInfos.xml file declares the effects each civic has in the game.

All tags must be opened and closed; the first is the "open", the second the "close" tag. If nothing goes inside a "list tag", then it should just be the opening tag with a "/" before the closing bracket. The following tables contain all available tags, as well as their purpose and accepted values.

This page is missing information. Do not remove this notice until it is complete.



These tags typically bracket other tags, sometimes the entire file, and are generally used to specify more than one piece of data.

Tag Name Description
CivicInfo Main bracket for each entry
Type Label that is used throughout all other XML files


These tags must be included when writing new entries, or the game will crash or otherwise malfunction.

Tag Name Description
TechPrereq Either NONE, or the technology that you need to adopt this civic.


Tag Name Description
Civilopedia As above for the Civiliopedia entry.
Description Either text or a key from the text files. The name of this civic.
Strategy As above for the Sid's Tips, also displayed above the Civilopedia entry.
WeLoveTheKing As above, for the text shown when a city is on "We Love The King day".


All of these tags have a numerical value. Though it sometimes can be negative, it usually is not.

Tag Name Description
iAIWeight Modifies the AI preference for this civic.
iAnarchyLength A weight that affect the anarchy length when shitching to this civic.
iBaseFreeMilitaryUnits Specifies how many military units don't need maintainance.
iBaseFreeUnits Specifies how many units don't need maintainance.
iCivicPercentAnger A weight for unhappiness in every city of the empire, per every known civilization that is adopting this civic while you aren't.
iCorporationMaintenanceModifier Modifies the corporations maintainance cost.
iDistanceMaintenanceModifier Modifies the city maintainance cost by distance.
iDomesticGreatGeneralRateModifier Sets the bonus to Great General points generation inside your borders.
iExpInBorderModifier Modifies the experience a unit gains inside his borders.
iExtraHealth Health bonus/malus for every city.
iFreeExperience Bonus experience for new military units.
iFreeMilitaryUnitsPopulationPercent Specifies how many extra military units (based on population) don't need maintainance.
iFreeSpecialist The number of free specialists in every city of the empire.
iFreeUnitsPopulationPercent Specifies how many extra units (based on population) don't need maintainance.
iGoldPerMilitaryUnit Specifies the maintainance cost for military units.
iGoldPerUnit Specifies the maintainance cost for units.
iGreatGeneralRateModifier Sets the bonus to Great General points generation.
iGreatPeopleRateModifier Sets the bonus to Great People points generation.
iHappyPerMilitaryUnit Specifies if military units in cities generate happy faces, and how many of them.
iImprovementUpgradeRateModifier Modifies the improvement upgrade speed (like when a cottage grows to an hamlet).
iLargestCityHappiness The number of extra happy faces for the largest cities of the empire.
iMaxConscript Specifies if a player can draft units, and how many of them each turn.
iMilitaryProductionModifier Modifies the military units production.
iNonStateReligionHappiness The number of extra happy faces for every religion in your cities.
iNumCitiesMaintenanceModifier Modifies the city maintainance cost by number of cities.
iStateReligionBuildingProductionModifier Modifies the production for buildings, in cities with the state religion.
iStateReligionFreeExperience Bonus experience for new military units, in cities with the state religion.
iStateReligionGreatPeopleRateModifier Sets the bonus to Great People points generation, in cities with the state religion.
iStateReligionHappiness The number of extra happy faces in cities with the state religion.
iStateReligionUnitProductionModifier Modifies the production for units, in cities with the state religion.
iTradeRoutes The number of extra trade routes in every city of the empire.
iWarWearinessModifier Modifies the war weariness in every city of the empire.
iWorkerSpeedModifier Modifies the work rate for workers.


All of these can either be 1 (on, or true) or 0 (off, or false). Be careful, as you can wind up with a double-negative, which the game will interpret as "True".

Tag Name Description
bBuildingOnlyHealthy Specifies if buildings don't contribute to unhealthy in the cities.
bMilitaryFoodProduction Specifies if cities can convert food into production (like when building a settler).
bNoCorporations Specifies if corporations are forbidden (cannot be found or spread, don't have any effect).
bNoForeignCorporations Specifies if foreign corporations cannot have any effect.
bNoForeignTrade Specifies if foreign trade routes are forbidden.
bNoNonStateReligionSpread Specifies if non-state religions cannot spread in your cities.
bStateReligion Allows to adopt a state religion. If you switch to a civic that doesn't allow a state religion, you will be automatically switched to "No state religion".
bNoUnhealthyPopulation Specifies if population don't contribute to unhealthy in the cities.

Lists (Multi-line)

All List tags consist of an opening/closing tag, which is shown here, and then each entry within it is another tag with the same name as the parent tag, minus the "s" (i.e. singular, rather than plural).

Tag Name Description
BuildingHappinessChanges Specifies which buildings provide extra happy faces.
BuildingHealthChanges Specifies which buildings provide extra health.
CapitalCommerceModifiers Modifies the commerce output in the capital (+n%) (respectively, for gold, research, culture, espionage)
CapitalYieldModifiers Modifies the yield in the capital (+n%) (respectively, for food, production, commerce)
CommerceModifiers Modifies the commerce output in all your cities (+n%) (respectively, for gold, research, culture, espionage)
FeatureHappinessChanges Specifies which land features provide extra happiness if they are in the Big Fat Cross of a city.
Hurrys Specifies the methods that can be used to rush a production (rush with gold, rush with people)
ImprovementYieldChanges Specifies which improvements provide extra yield (respectively, food, production, commerce)
SpecialBuildingNotRequireds Specifies which special buildings are no longer a prerequisite (like when monasteries are no longer needed to train missionaries).
SpecialistExtraCommerces Extra commerce for each specialist (respectively, gold, research, culture, espionage)
SpecialistValids Specifies which specialists can be used with no limits (like when in Caste System).
TradeYieldModifiers Modifies the yield of trade routes in all your cities (+n%) (respectively, for food, production, commerce)
YieldModifiers Modifies the yield in all your cities (+n%) (respectively, for food, production, commerce)


These tags must be included when writing new entries, or the game will crash or otherwise malfunction.

Tag Name Description
Upkeep From the Civ4UpkeepInfo.xml file. Sets the civic maintainance cost.


These tags are directly related to the rendering of art for the entry.

Tag Name Description
Button The path of the dds file that contains the image for this civic.


In the following example of code, please note that there is a specific order of all of the tags. You must list the tags in this order for the game to properly interpret your file.

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