Map (Civ5 Type)

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This page is a part of the Lua and UI Reference (Civ5).

Static Methods

Methods are functions that belong to an object. Static methods are invoked through a dot, as in Map.SomeMethod(<args>). When a dot is used the caller object is not implicitly provided as the first argument.


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png iterator(AreaID, Area) Areas()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png CalculateAreas()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ChangeAIMapHint(int oneForNavalExpansion)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DefaultContinentStamper()
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png DoPlaceNaturalWonders


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Area FindBiggestArea(bool ocean)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool FindWater(Plot plot, int range, bool isFreshWater)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetAIMapHint
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Area GetArea(AreaID areaID)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ClimateType GetClimate()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetCustomOption(int optionIndex)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetFractalFlags()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int, int GetGridSize()
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetIndexAfterLastArea
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetLandPlots
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetNumAreas
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetNumLandAreas
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetNumPlots()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetNumResources(ResourceType resource)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetNumResourcesOnLand(ResourceType resource)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Plot GetPlot(int x, int y = nil)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Plot GetPlotByIndex(PlotID index)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Plot GetPlotXY(int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ResourceType GetRandomResourceQuantity(ResourceType resource)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png GetSeaLevel()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetWorldSize()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png IsPlot
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int IsWrapX()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool IsWrapY()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png MaxPlotDistance


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Plot PlotDirection(int x, int y)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int PlotDistance(int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Plot PlotXYWithRangeCheck(int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset, int maxRange)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int Rand(int maxValues, string logEntry)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RecalculateAreas()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
CheckButZero.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png UpdateDeferredFog

The initial version of this page was created by the Civ5 API Bot, see the Civ5 API Reference FAQ. Some of the texts come from the 2kgames' wiki and most of code samples are copyrighted to Firaxis.
Functions' signatures were either copied from the 2kgames' wiki, or infered from the Lua source files and the binaries. Errors are possible.
Contributors may find help in the Contributors guide to the Civ5 API.