ReligionType (Civ5 Type)

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This page is a part of the Lua and UI Reference (Civ5).

ID.png The ReligionType pseudo-type is actually a regular integer. Pseudo-types do not exist in Lua, they only serve a documentation purpose on the wiki!
  • DB.png Integers labeled as ReligionType corresponds to the ID column of the Religions XML table.
  • Lua.png The standard (unmodded) values in the ID and Type columns are also stored in the ReligionTypes Lua enumeration.

Lua: the ReligionTypes enumeration

Firaxis provides a Lua enumeration named ReligionTypes. This is just a regular global table. Its keys are the constants' names and the pairs the corresponding values.

  • This specific enumeration contains data from the Religions data table.
  • They are stored as key/value pairs: the keys are the strings from the Type column and the values are the integers from the ID column.

Radioactive.png Be careful: this enumeration do not reflect the changes, additions and deletions made by mods. As a result it is advised to rely on GameInfo instead.

Below are the values found in this enumeration.

Key Value

XML: the Religions table

Here are the ID and Type columns found in this table.

ID Type


Here is how to use the LUA enumeration to retrieve the ID from the type. Those examples will return and assign the integer value 0.

local id = ReligionTypes.RELIGION_PANTHEON
local id = ReligionTypes["RELIGION_PANTHEON"]

Here are different ways to query the database to retrieve the ID from the type. Those examples will return and assign the integer value 0. See also GameInfo.

local id = GameInfo.Religions.RELIGION_PANTHEON.ID
local id = GameInfo["Religions"].["RELIGION_PANTHEON"].ID
local id = GameInfo.Religions{Type="RELIGION_PANTHEON"}().ID

Alternatively you could use the ID or the type to retrieve the value of the Description column. Those examples will return and assign the value TXT_KEY_RELIGION_PANTHEON.

local description = GameInfo.Religions[0].Description
local description = GameInfo["Religions"][0]["Description"]
local description = GameInfo.Religions{ID=0}().Description

Used by

City:AdoptReligionFully(ReligionType religion)
City:ConvertPercentFollowers(ReligionType arg0, ReligionType arg1, int arg2)
int City:GetNumFollowers(ReligionType religion)
int City:GetPressurePerTurn(ReligionType religion)
ReligionType City:GetReligiousMajority()
bool City:IsHolyCityForReligion(ReligionType religion)
Game.EnhanceReligion(PlayerID vaticanPlayer, ReligionType religion, BeliefType belief4, BeliefType belief5)
Game.FoundReligion(PlayerID vaticanPlayer, ReligionType religion, unknown arg2, BeliefType belief2, BeliefType belief3, BeliefType belief3, int arg6, City vaticanCity)
PlayerID Game.GetFounder(ReligionType arg0, int arg1)
ReligionType Game.GetFounderBenefitsReligion(PlayerID player)
City Game.GetHolyCityForReligion(ReligionType religion, PlayerID player)
int Game.GetNumCitiesFollowing(ReligionType religion)
string Game.GetReligionName(ReligionType religion)
Game.SetFounder(ReligionType arg0, PlayerID newOwner)
Game.SetHolyCity(ReligionType arg0, City newHolyCity)
GameEvents.CityConvertsReligion(PlayerID owner, ReligionType religion, int x, int y)
Network.SendEnhanceReligion(PlayerID arg0, ReligionType CurrentReligion, unknown customName, unknown arg3, int arg4, int cityX, int cityY)
Network.SendFoundReligion(PlayerID arg0, ReligionType CurrentReligion, unknown customName, unknown arg3, unknown arg4, BeliefType arg5, BeliefType arg6, int cityX, int cityY)
ReligionType Player:GetReligionCreatedByPlayer()
bool Player:HasReligionInMostCities(ReligionType religion)
ReligionType Unit:GetMajorityReligionAfterSpread()
ReligionType Unit:GetReligion()

The initial version of this page was created by the Civ5 API Bot, see the Civ5 API Reference FAQ. Some of the texts come from the 2kgames' wiki and most of code samples are copyrighted to Firaxis.
Functions' signatures were either copied from the 2kgames' wiki, or infered from the Lua source files and the binaries. Errors are possible.
Contributors may find help in the Contributors guide to the Civ5 API.