UI (Civ5 Type)

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This page is a part of the Lua and UI Reference (Civ5).

Static Methods

Methods are functions that belong to an object. Static methods are invoked through a dot, as in UI.SomeMethod(<args>). When a dot is used the caller object is not implicitly provided as the first argument.


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ActivateNotification(PlayerID blockingNotificationIndex)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png AddPopup(table popupInfo)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool AreMediumLeadersAllowed()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool CanDoInterfaceMode(InterfaceMode interfaceMode)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool CanEndTurn()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool CanPlaceUnitAt(unknown unit, Plot plot)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int CanSelectionListFound()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int CanSelectionListWork()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ChangeStartDiploRepeatCount(int arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png CheckForCommandLineInvitation()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ClearPlaceUnit()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ClearSelectedCities()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ClearSelectionList()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int CompareFileTime(unknown arg0, unknown arg1, unknown arg2, unknown arg3)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png CopyLastAutoSave(string arg0)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int DebugFlag()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DebugKeyHandler(KeyEventType uiMsg, KeyType wParam, unknown lParam)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png decTurnTimerSemaphore()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DeleteReplayFile(unknown arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DeleteSavedGame(int arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DoDemand()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DoEqualizeDealWithHuman()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DoFinalizePlayerDeal(PlayerID them, PlayerID us, bool arg2)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DoProposeDeal()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DoSelectCityAtPlot(Plot plot)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DoWhatDoesAIWant()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png DoWhatWillAIGive()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ExitGame()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool GetCredits()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png GameStateType GetCurrentGameState()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png table(unknown => table) GetHallofFameData()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png City GetHeadSelectedCity()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Unit GetHeadSelectedUnit()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png InterfaceMode GetInterfaceMode()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetInterfaceModeDebugItemID1()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png UnitType GetInterfaceModeDebugItemID2()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png TaskType GetInterfaceModeValue()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png table(UnitType => Civilizations.row) GetMapPlayers(string mapScriptPath)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png WorldBuilderMapData GetMapPreview(string mapFilePath)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetMouseOverHex()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetNumCurrentDeals(PlayerID player)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetNumHistoricDeals(PlayerID player)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetPlaceUnit()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png FileHeader GetReplayFileHeader(unknown arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png table(SpecialistType => unknown) GetReplayFiles()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ReplayInfo GetReplayInfo(string file)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetReplayModificationTime(unknown arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown, unknown GetReplayModificationTimeRaw(unknown v)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetSavedGameModificationTime(int arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown, unknown GetSavedGameModificationTimeRaw(bool v)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png Deal GetScratchDeal()
Check.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png string GetTempString()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetVersionInfo()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png PlayerID HasMadeProposal(PlayerID us)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool HasShownLegal()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png HighlightCanPlacePlots(Unit unit, Plot arg1)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png incTurnTimerSemaphore()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png interruptTurnTimer()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int IsAIRequestingConcessions()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int IsCameraMoving()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int IsCityScreenUp()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool IsCityScreenViewingMode()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool IsDX9()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool IsLoadedGame()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool IsMapScenario(string mapScriptFileName)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LoadCurrentDeal(PlayerID player, SpecialistType i)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LoadHistoricDeal(PlayerID player, SpecialistType i)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LoadProposedDeal(PlayerID us, PlayerID them)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LocationSelect(Plot plot, int ctrl, int alt, bool shift)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LookAt(Plot plot, int arg1 = nil)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png LookAtSelectionPlot(int arg0)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png MoveScenarioPlayerToSlot(UnitType playerIndex, int arg1)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png OnHumanDemand(PlayerID aIPlayer)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png OnHumanOpenedTradeScreen(PlayerID aIPlayer)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool ProposedDealExists(PlayerID them, PlayerID us)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png QuickSave()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RebroadcastNotifications()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RefreshYieldVisibleMode()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RemoveNotification(EndTurnBlockingType blockingNotificationIndex)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RequestLeaveLeader()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png RequestMinimapBroadcast()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ResetScenarioPlayerSlots(bool arg0 = nil)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SaveFileList(table(SpecialistType => bool) FileList, GameType GameType, bool ShowAutoSaves, bool arg3)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SaveGame(string arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SaveMap(string arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SelectCity(City city)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SelectUnit(Unit v)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SendPathfinderUpdate()
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetAdvisorMessageHasBeenSeen(unknown arg0, bool arg1)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetCityScreenViewingMode(bool arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetDirty(InterfaceDirtyBits arg0, bool arg1)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetDontShowPopups(bool arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetGridVisibleMode(bool isChecked)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetInterfaceMode(InterfaceMode interfaceModeSelection)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetInterfaceModeValue(PlayerID minorCiv)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetLeaderHeadRootUp(bool arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetOfferTradeRepeatCount(int arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetPlaceUnit(Unit unit)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetRepeatActionPlayer(PlayerID player)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetResourceVisibleMode(bool isChecked)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png SetYieldVisibleMode(bool isChecked)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int ShiftKeyDown()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png ToggleGridVisibleMode()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png UnlockAchievement(string arg0)
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png UpdateCityScreen()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Check.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png bool WaitingForRemotePlayers()

The initial version of this page was created by the Civ5 API Bot, see the Civ5 API Reference FAQ. Some of the texts come from the 2kgames' wiki and most of code samples are copyrighted to Firaxis.
Functions' signatures were either copied from the 2kgames' wiki, or infered from the Lua source files and the binaries. Errors are possible.
Contributors may find help in the Contributors guide to the Civ5 API.