The CvEventManager file controls what happens during events that occur in the game. These aren't events like Beyond the Sword random events but rather events like a unit moving, a turn beginning, or a nuclear explosion occuring. Some of the functions in this file are disabled in Beyond the Sword with PythonCallbackDefines.xml- for a list of which functions, see that page.
The Python files are written in the python programming language. They can be edited in a text editor such as notepad or in a programming editor like Python's IDLE.
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Below is a list of all the functions in the file. Each function has a quick description attached to it. Note that there are comments strewn throughout some of these files, direct from the developers in order to aid the potential modders.
Function | Parameters | Description |
def _init_() | self | Initializes variables in file |
def handleEvent() | self, argsList | Event Manager entry point |
def beginEvent() | self, context, argsList=-1 | Begins an event |
def applyEvent() | self, argsList (context, playerID, netUserData, popupReturn) | Applies the effects of an event |
def reportEvent() | self, entry, context, argsList | Records an event to Events.log |
def onKdbEvent() | self, argsList (eventType, key, mx, my, px, py) | Handles the pressing of a key |
def onModNetMessage() | self, argsList (iData1, iData2, iData3, iData4, iData5) | Called whenever CyMessageControl().sendModNetMessage is called |
def onInit() | self, argsList | Called whenever Civilization starts up |
def onUpdate() | self, argsList (fDeltaTime) | Called every frame |
def onWindowActivation() | self, argsList (bActive) | Called when the game window activates or deactivates |
def onUnInit() | self, argsList | Called before Civ shuts down |
def onPreSave() | self, argsList | Called before the game is saved |
def onSaveGame() | self, argsList | Returns the name of the save game |
def onLoadGame() | self, argsList | Called on the loading of the game |
def onGameStart() | self, argsList | Called on the start of the game |
def onGameEnd() | self, argsList | Called at the end of the game |
def onBeginGameTurn() | self, argsList (iGameTurn) | Called at the beginning of the end of each turn |
def onEndGameTurn() | self, argsList (iGameTurn) | Called at the end of the end of each turn |
def onBeginPlayerTurn() | self, argsList (iGameTurn, iPlayer) | Called at the beginning of a player's turn |
def onEndPlayerTurn() | self, argsList (iGameTurn, iPlayer) | Called at the end of a player's turn |
def onEndTurnReady() | self, argsList (iGameTurn) | Called when the turn is ready to end |
def onFirstContact() | self, argsList (iTeamX, iHasMetTeamY) | Called when one team meets another team |
def onCombatResult() | self, argsList (iWinner, iLoser) | Called after combat |
def onCombatLogCalc() | self, argsList (genericArgs) | Not sure |
def onCombatLogHit() | self, argsList (genericArgs) | Not sure |
def onImprovementBuilt() | self, argsList (iImprovement, iX, iY) | Called when an improvement is built |
def onImprovementDestroyed() | self, argsList (iImprovement, iOwner, iX, iY) | Called when an improvement is destroyed |
def onRouteBuilt() | self, argsList (iRoute, iX, iY) | Called when a route is built |
def onPlotRevealed() | self, argsList (pPlot, iTeam) | Called when a plot is revealed to a team |
def onPlotFeatureRemoved() | self, argsList (pPlot, iFeatureType, pCity) | Called when a feature is removed on a plot |
def onPlotPicked() | self, argsList (pPlot) | Called when a plot is picked |
def onNukeExplosion() | self, argsList (pPlot, pNukeUnit) | Called when a nuke explodes or a meltdown occurs |
def onGotoPlotSet() | self, argsList (pPlot, iPlayer) | Not sure |
def onBuildingBuilt() | self, argsList (pCity, iBuildingType) | Called when a building is built |
def onProjectBuilt() | self, argsList (pCity, iProjectType) | Called when a project is completed |
def onSelectionGroupPushMission() | self, argsList (eOwner, eMission, iNumUnits, listUnitIDs) | Called when a mission is pushed for a unit or group of units |
def onUnitMove() | self, argsList (pPlot, pUnit, pOldPlot) | Called when a unit moves onto a new plot |
def onUnitSetXY() | self, argsList (pPlot, pUnit) | Called when a unit's coords are set manually |
def onUnitCreated() | self, argsList (unit) | Called when a unit is created |
def onUnitBuilt() | self, argsList (city, unit, player) | Called when a unit is built in a city |
def onUnitKilled() | self, argsList (unit, iAttacker) | Called when a unit is killed by another unit |
def onUnitLost() | self, argsList (unit) | Called when a unit dies |
def onUnitPromoted() | self, argsList (pUnit, iPromotion) | Called when a unit is promoted |
def onUnitSelected() | self, argsList (unit) | Called when a unit is selected |
def onUnitRename() | self, argsList (unit) | Called when a unit is renamed |
def onUnitPillage() | self, argsList(pUnit, iImprovement, iRoute, iOwner) | Called when a unit pillages an improvement or route |
def onUnitSpreadReligionAttempt() | self, argsList(pUnit, iReligion, bSuccess) | Called when a unit attempts to spread a religion to a city |
def onUnitGifted() | self, argsList(pUnit, iGiftingPlayer, pPlotLocation) | Called when a unit is gifted from a player to another |
def onUnitBuildImprovement() | self, argsList(pUnit, iBuild, bFinished) | Called when a unit begins to build an improvement |
def onGoodyReceived() | self, argsList(iPlayer, pPlot, pUnit, iGoodyType) | Called when a unit gets something at a goody hut |
def onGreatPersonBorn() | self, argsList(pUnit, iPlayer, pCity) | Called when a Great Person is born in a city |
def onTechAcquired() | self, argsList(iTechType, iTeam, iPlayer, bAnnounce) | Called when a player acquires a tech |
def onTechSelected() | self, argsList(iTechType, iPlayer) | Called when a player selects a tech to research |
def onReligionFounded() | self, argsList(iReligion, iFounder) | Called when a player founds a religion |
def onReligionSpread() | self, argsList(iReligion, iOwner, pSpreadCity) | Called when a religion spreads to a city |
def onReligionRemove() | self, argsList(iReligion, iOwner, pRemoveCity) | Called when a religion is removed from a city |
def onCorporationFounded() | self, argsList(iCorporation, iFounder) | Called when a player founds a corporation |
def onCorporatationSpread() | self, argsList(iCorporation, iOwner, pSpreadCity) | Called when a corporation spreads to a city |
def onCorporationRemove() | self, argsList(iCorporation, iOwner, pRemoveCity) | Called when a corporation is removed from a city |
def onGoldenAge() | self, argsList(iPlayer) | Called when a player begins a golden age |
def onEndGoldenAge() | self, argsList(iPlayer) | Called when a player ends a golden age |
def onChangeWar() | self, argsList(bIsWar, iTeam, iRivalTeam) | Called when either war or peace is declared between two teams |
def onChat() | self, argsList(chatMessage) | Called when a chat message is sent |
def onSetPlayerAlive() | self, argsList(iPlayerID, bNewValue) | Called when a player's status is set to "alive" |
This example is a quick idea of what you can do with functions in this file. It causes the "Do you want to change civics" popup to occur.
def onEndPlayerTurn(self, argsList): 'Called at the end of a players turn' iGameTurn, iPlayer = argsList if (gc.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns() == 1): if (gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).isHuman()): if (gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).canRevolution(0)): popupInfo = CyPopupInfo() popupInfo.setButtonPopupType(ButtonPopupTypes.BUTTONPOPUP_CHANGECIVIC) popupInfo.addPopup(iPlayer)