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The Civ4EspionageMissionInfo contains all of the information for espionage missions that spies can carry out.

All tags must be opened and closed; the first is the "open", the second the "close" tag. If nothing goes inside a "list tag", then it should just be the opening tag with a "/" before the closing bracket. The following tables contain all available tags, as well as their purpose and accepted values.



Tag Name Description
Type The Internal name for the espionage mission
Description Refers to a tag in the Civ4GameTextInfos_Objects file that stores the in-game name of the Mission.
TechPrereq The Prerequisite tech needed to conduct this mission.


All of these tags have a numerical value. Though it sometimes can be negative, it usually is not.

Tag Name Description
iBuyCityCostFactor A percentage that makes the mission cost different amounts, depending on the gamespeed and base mission cost. If successful, the mission will convert the city to the players team. (This tag is not used in BTS, but is fully functional).
iBuyTechCostFactor A percentage that adjusts the mission cost based on how much research went into the technology.
iBuyUnitCostFactor A percentage that makes the mission cost different amounts, depending on the production cost of the unit. If successful, the mission will convert the unit to the players team.
iCityInsertCultureAmountFactor Converts a percentage of the city's culture to your culture. (A value of 5 will convert 5% of the city culture)
CityInsertCultureCostFactor Makes the mission cost a certain amount based on the existing culture already in the city.
iCityPoisonWaterCounter The number of turns that poisoning the city water will take effect.
iCityRevoltCounter The number of turns that the city will be in revolt.
iCityUnhappinessCounter The number of turns that formenting unrest will take effect.
iCost The Base Espionage Point cost the mission will require
iCounterespionageNumTurns The number of turns that the counter espionage modifier applies.
iCounterespionageMod A percentage that makes espionage missions carried out by the victim harder. It lasts for the number of counter espionage turns.
iDestroyBuildingCostFactor A percentage that makes the mission cost different amounts, depending on the production cost of the building. If successful, the mission will destroy the target. (500 will make the mission cost 5 times the production cost of the building).
iDestroyProjectCostFactor A percentage that makes the mission cost different amounts, depending on the production cost of the project. If successful, the mission will destroy the target. (500 will make the mission cost 5 times the production cost of the project)
iDestroyProductionCostFactor A percentage that makes the mission cost different amounts, depending on the amount of hammers already invested in the object. If successful, the mission will reset the cities current production.
iDestroyUnitCostFactor A percentage that makes the mission cost different amounts, depending on the production cost of the unit. If successful, the mission will destroy the target. (500 will make the mission cost 5 times the production cost of the unit)
iDifficultyMod Modifies how difficult the mission is to carry out. (A value of 50 will make the mission 50% more difficult to carry out)
SwitchCivicCostFactor A percentage that adjusts the mission cost based on how much the target nation likes the civic.
iStealTreasureTypes Steals a percentage of the player's gold. (A value of 100 will steal all of the players gold).
iSwitchReligionCostFactor A percentage that adjusts the mission cost based on how much the target nation likes the religion.
iPlayerAnarchyCounter The number of turns the target nation will be in anarchy (This tag is not used in BTS, but works).
iVisibility Used to turn on city visibility (Only 0 or 1 will have any effect. I don't know why Firaxis didn't make this Boolean.)


All of these can either be 1 (on, or true) or 0 (off, or false). Be careful, as you can wind up with a double-negative, which the game will interpret as "True".

Tag Name Description
bIsPassive Whether the mission needs to be activated by the player, or occurs passively. (Ex: Seeing inside enemy cities with spies)
bIsTwoPhases Whether, after selecting the mission, a more in-depth secondary screen needs to appear. (Ex. Sabotaging a building consists of two phases)
bTargetsCity If the mission can only be carried out in a city.
bSelectPlot If the mission requires a unit to be on a game tile. (Examining foreign countries research is considered a espionage mission and does not require a tile)
bInvestigateCity If the mission allows the unit to investigate an enemy city.
bSeeDemographics If the mission allows you to see the statistics for the country.
bNoActiveMissions If the mission requires no other active missions to be taking place.
bSeeResearch If the mission allows you to see the current research progress of the target nation.
bDestroyImprovement If the mission destroys the improvement that the spy is on.