AssignStartingPlots (Civ5 Type): Difference between revisions

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This page is a part of the Lua and UI Reference (Civ5).

Braces.png This object is defined in the following Lua source file: Amazon_XP.lua.
To import it, use: include("Amazon_XP")

Static Methods

Methods are functions that belong to an object. Static methods are invoked through a dot, as in AssignStartingPlots.SomeMethod(<args>). When a dot is used the caller object is not implicitly provided as the first argument.

Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown Create()

Instance Methods

Methods are functions that belong to an object. Instance methods are invoked through a colon, as in caller:SomeMethod(<args>), where caller is an instance of AssignStartingPlots.
A colon implictly passes the caller object as the first argument. That is, the former call is equivalent to this one: caller.SomeMethod(caller, <args>)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png __CustomInit()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png __Init()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png __InitLuxuryWeights()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png AddExtraBonusesToHillsRegions()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png AddModernMinorStrategicsToCityStates()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png AddStrategicBalanceResources(int region_number)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int, int ApplyHexAdjustment(int x, int y, table(int => int) plot_adjustments)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png AssignCityStatesToRegionsOrToUninhabited(unknown args)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png AssignLuxuryRoles
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ResourceType AssignLuxuryToRegion(PlayerID region_number)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool, int AttemptToPlaceBonusResourceAtPlot(int x, int y, bool allowOasis)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool AttemptToPlaceHillsAtPlot(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool AttemptToPlaceNaturalWonder(int wonder_number, int row_number)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool AttemptToPlaceSmallStrategicAtPlot(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool AttemptToPlaceStoneAtGrassPlot(int x, int y)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png BalanceAndAssign


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeCrater(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeFuji(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeGeyser(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeGibraltar(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeKrakatoa(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeMesa(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeMtSinai(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeRareMystical(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeReef(int x, int y)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png CanBeThisNaturalWonderType(int x, int y, int wn, int rn)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool CanPlaceCityStateAt(int x, int y, AreaID area_ID, int force_it, int ignore_collisions)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ChooseLocations(int args)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown ChopIntoThreeRegions(unknown fertility_table, table rectangle_data_table, bool taller, unknown chopPercent = nil)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown ChopIntoTwoRegions(unknown fertility_table, table rectangle_data_table, bool taller, float chopPercent)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png unknown, int, int, int CustomOverride(ResourceType resource_)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png DetermineRegionTypes()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png DivideBritain(int numDivisions, unknown fertility_table, int rectangle_data_table)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png DivideIntoRegions(int numDivisions, unknown fertility_table, table rectangle_data_table)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int, bool EvaluateCandidatePlot(int plotIndex, int region_type)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool ExamineCandidatePlotForNaturalWondersEligibility(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool ExaminePlotForNaturalWondersEligibility(int x, int y)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool, bool FindCoastalStart(int region_number)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int FindFallbackForUnmatchedRegionPriority(int regionType, table(int => PlayerID) regions_still_available)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool, bool FindStart(int region_number)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png bool, bool FindStartWithoutRegardToAreaID(int region_number, bool mustBeCoast)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png FixSugarJungles


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GenerateGlobalResourcePlotLists
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png GenerateLocalVersionsOfDataFromXML()
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GenerateLuxuryPlotListsAtCitySite(int x, int y, int radius, bool removeFeatureIce)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GenerateLuxuryPlotListsInRegion(PlayerID region_number)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png table(int => int) GenerateNaturalWondersCandidatePlotLists()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png GenerateRegions(int args)
Question.png CheckButZero.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png GetCityStateLuxuriesTargetNumber
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetDisabledLuxuriesTargetNumber()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int, int, int, int GetIndicesForLuxuryType(ResourceType resource_)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetListOfAllowableLuxuriesAtCitySite(int x, int y, int radius)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png int GetLuxuriesSplitCap()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType GetMajorStrategicResourceQuantityValues()
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetRegionLuxuryTargetNumbers()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType, ResourceType GetSmallStrategicResourceQuantityValues()
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown GetWorldLuxuryTargetNumbers()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png IdentifyRegionsOfThisType(int region_type)
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown IterateThroughCandidatePlotList(table(int => int) plot_list, int region_type)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Check.png Star.png Speech.png unknown MeasureSinglePlot(int x, int y, int region_type)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png unknown, int, int MeasureStartPlacementFertilityInRectangle(int westX, int southY, int width, int height)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png unknown, AreaID, AreaID MeasureStartPlacementFertilityOfLandmass(AreaID areaID, AreaID westX, int eastX, AreaID southY, int northY, bool wrapsX, bool wrapsY)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int MeasureStartPlacementFertilityOfPlot(int x, int y, bool checkForCoastalLand)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png MeasureTerrainInRegions()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png NormalizeCityState(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png NormalizeCityStateLocations
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png NormalizeStartLocation(int region_number)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png NormalizeTeamLocations()


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png table(int => int), table(int => int), unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown ObtainNextSectionInRegion(int incoming_west_x, int incoming_south_y, int incoming_width, int incoming_height, AreaID areaID, int force_it, int ignore_collisions)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int, int, bool PlaceCityState(table(int => int) coastal_plot_list, table(int => int) inland_plot_list, bool check_proximity, bool check_collision)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceCityStateInRegion(int city_state_number, PlayerID region_number)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png PlaceCityStates
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceFish(int frequency, table(int => PlayerID) plot_list)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceImpactAndRipples(int x, int y)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png PlaceLuxuries
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceMarble()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png PlaceNaturalWonders
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceOilInTheSea()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceResourceImpact(int x, int y, int impact_table_number, int radius)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png PlaceResourcesAndCityStates
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceSexyBonusAtCivStarts()
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png PlaceSmallQuantitiesOfStrategics(int frequency, table(int => int) plot_list)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png int PlaceSpecificNumberOfResources(ResourceType resource_, ResourceType quantity, int amount, float ratio, int impact_table_number, int min_radius, int max_radius, table(int => PlayerID) plot_list)
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png PlaceStrategicAndBonusResources
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png Question-blue.png PrintFinalResourceTotalsToLog
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png ProcessResourceList(int frequency, int impact_table_number, table(int => int) plot_list, table(int => table(int => ResourceType)) resources_to_place)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png table(int => int), int, int, int, int RemoveDeadRows(table(int => int) fertility_table, int westX, int southY, int width, int height)


Base game Gods & Kings ___________________________
Question.png Question.png Star.png Speech.png SortRegionsByType()

The initial version of this page was created by the Civ5 API Bot, see the Civ5 API Reference FAQ. Some of the texts come from the 2kgames' wiki and most of code samples are copyrighted to Firaxis.
Functions' signatures were either copied from the 2kgames' wiki, or infered from the Lua source files and the binaries. Errors are possible.
Contributors may find help in the Contributors guide to the Civ5 API.