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Revision as of 15:40, 10 July 2009

The Civ4BuildInfos file describes the various terrain improvements available for workers, work boats, and others.

All tags must be opened and closed; the first is the "open", the second the "close" tag. If nothing goes inside a "list tag", then it should just be the opening tag with a "/" before the closing bracket. The following tables contain all available tags, as well as their purpose and accepted values.

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These tags typically bracket other tags, sometimes the entire file, and are generally used to specify more than one piece of data.

Tag Name Description
BuildInfos Begins and ends the entire file. Contains various BuildInfo entries.
BuildInfo Contains the information for each terrain improvement.


Tag Name Description
Type The internal name of this build improvement option.
Description A reference to the text files, which contain an entry for this build option.
PrereqTech The technology required for this improvement.
ImprovementType The name of the terrain improvement (i.e. farm, mine, whaling boats, etc. Roads and railroads have the value of NONE.)
RouteType The in-game reference to the type of route provided by this build, as described in the Civ4RouteInfos file.
EntityEvent This describes the graphics displayed while this build is being constructed (e.g. a worker using a shovel).
HotKey Describes the keyboard shortcut for this build. For example, a road has the value of KB_R (KB = keyboard).
FeatureType Used with the FeatureStructs tag to create terrain-specific information.


All of these tags have a numerical value. Though it sometimes can be negative, it usually is not.

Tag Name Description
iTime The number of turns it takes to complete the improvement, times 100. That is, a value of 600 means the improvement requires 6 turns of action.
iCost The gold cost for this improvement (i.e. can be used to draw money from the treasury to pay for improvements).
iHotKeyPriority If multiple builds have the same hot key shortcut, the build with a value of 1 for this tag is chosen to be constructed.
iProduction The amount of hammers provided after this build is completed.


All of these can either be 1 (on, or true) or 0 (off, or false). Be careful, as you can wind up with a double-negative, which the game will interpret as "True".

Tag Name Description
bKill If 1, the unit constructing the improvement dies (used for fishing boats, whaling boats, etc.).
bAltDown If 1, the keyboard shortcut requires the Alt key.
bShiftDown If 1, the keyboard shortcut requires the Shift key.
bCtrlDown If 1, the keyboard shortcut requires the Control key.
bRemove If 1, removes the terrain feature after completion (i.e. chopping a forest).

Lists (Multi-line)

All List tags consist of an opening/closing tag, which is shown here, and then each entry within it is another tag with the same name as the parent tag, minus the "s" (i.e. singular, rather than plural).

Tag Name Description
Help Unknown. Presumably used for text file entries, but left blank for all default builds.
FeatureStructs Used when improvements can be built on terrain overlays, like forests or jungle. For more, see the example code.


These tags are directly related to the rendering of art for the entry.

Tag Name Description
Button References to the build button displayed in the bottom middle of the screen and a second unknown image.


In the following example of code, please note that there is a specific order of all of the tags. You must list the tags in this order for the game to properly interpret your file.





Audio; Buildings:




Civilizations; Events:
















Italics: Beyond the Sword only