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The Civ4HandicapInfo file defines the differences between the game's difficulty levels.

All tags must be opened and closed; the first is the "open", the second the "close" tag. If nothing goes inside a "list tag", then it should just be the opening tag with a "/" before the closing bracket. The following tables contain all available tags, as well as their purpose and accepted values.

Note: Unless specified, effects are valid for every civilization, human or AI.

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These tags typically bracket other tags, sometimes the entire file, and are generally used to specify more than one piece of data.

Tag Name Description
HandicapInfo Main bracket for each entry
Type Label that is used throughout all other XML files


Tag Name Description
Description References the Text which contains the difficulty description (eg: "settler", or "noble"). The text is specified in any of the Assets\XML\Text files.
Help References the Text which contains the tooltip for this difficulty. The text is specified in any of the Assets\XML\Text files.


All of these tags have a numerical value. Though it sometimes can be negative, it usually is not.

Tag Name Description
iAdvancedStartPointsMod Sets the advanced start points modifier (in percentage)

(150 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 75 for deity)

iAIAdvancedStartPercent Modifies the points an AI starts with in an advanced start (in percent)

(100 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 170 for deity)

iAIAnimalBonus Sets the combat bonus animals receive against AI players (in percent)

(-40 for chieftain, -40 for noble, -40 for deity)

iAIBarbarianBonus Sets the combat bonus barbarians receive against AI players (in percent)

(-25 for chieftain, -25 for noble, -25 for deity)

iAICivicUpkeepPercent Modifies the civic maintainance cost for AI (in percent)

(100 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 60 for deity)

iAIConstructPercent Modifies the buildings cost for AI (in percent) (not for wonders or projects)

(160 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 60 for deity)

iAICreatePercent Modifies the non-world projects cost for AI (in percent)

(160 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 60 for deity)

iAIDeclareWarProb A factor that determines how likely an AI will declare war

(25 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 100 for deity)

iAIGrowthPercent Modifies how much food an AI city requires to grow (in percent)

(160 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 80 for deity)

iAIInflationPercent Sets the inflation modifier for AI (how much expenses increase as the game goes on) (in percentage)

(100 for chieftain, 80 for noble, 80 for deity)

iAIPerEraModifier A modifier which, multiplied for the current era, affects units cost, buildings cost, projects cost, unit support, unit supply, inflation rate, war weariness, civic upkeep, required food for city growth, unit upgrade cost. (in percent)

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, -5 for deity)

iAIStartingDefenseUnits Sets how many extra defensive units AI players start with

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 4 for deity)

iAIStartingExploreUnits Sets how many explorer units AI players start with

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 1 for deity)

iAIStartingUnitMultiplier A factor that determinates how many extra units (per unit type) AI players receive at the game starts

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 1 for deity)

iAIStartingWorkerUnits Sets how many extra workers AI players start with

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 1 for deity)

iAITrainPercent Modifies the standard units cost for AI (in percent)

(160 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 60 for deity)

iAIUnitCostPercent Modifies the unit support costs for AI (in percent)

(100 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 60 for deity)

iAIUnitSupplyPercent Modifies the unit supply costs for AI (in percent)

(50 for chieftain, 50 for noble, 50 for deity)

iAIUnitUpgradePercent Modifies the unit upgrade costs for AI (in percent)

(50 for chieftain, 50 for noble, 50 for deity)

iAIWarWearinessPercent Modifies the war weariness in AI cities (in percent)

(100 for chieftain, 80 for noble, 50 for deity)

iAIWorkRateModifier Sets the worker work rate modifier for AI (in percent)

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 100 for deity)

iAIWorldConstructPercent Modifies the wonders cost for AI (in percent)

(160 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 100 for deity)

iAIWorldCreatePercent Modifies the world projects cost for AI (in percent)

(160 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 100 for deity)

iAIWorldTrainPercent Modifies the world-class units cost for AI (in percent)

(160 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 100 for deity)

iAnimalAttackProb Sets the aggressivity of animals, specifying their attack chance in percentage

(25 for chieftain, 85 for noble, 90 for deity)

iAnimalBonus Sets the combat bonus animals receive against human players (in percent)

(-70 for chieftain, -40 for noble, 0 for deity)

iAttitudeChange Sets the attitude bonus/malus for an AI with anyone else

(2 for chieftain, -1 for noble, -1 for deity)

iBarbarianBonus Sets the combat bonus barbarians receive against human players (in percent)

(-40 for chieftain, -10 for noble, 0 for deity)

iBarbarianCityCreationProb A factor that determines how likely barbarian cities can appear

(4 for chieftain, 6 for noble, 8 for deity)

iBarbarianCityCreationTurnsElapsed Set how many turns have to be elapsed before barbarian cities may appear

(55 for chieftain, 40 for noble, 15 for deity)

iBarbarianCreationTurnsElapsed Set how many turns have to be elapsed before barbarian units may appear

(50 for chieftain, 35 for noble, 10 for deity)

iBarbarianDefenders Sets how many units barbarian cities will have for defense

(1 for chieftain, 2 for noble, 4 for deity)

iCivicUpkeepPercent Sets the civics maintainance modifier (in percentage)

(50 for chieftain, 80 for noble, 100 for deity)

iColonyMaintenancePercent Sets the maintainance cost modifier for colonies (in percentage)

(60 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 150 for deity)

iCorporationMaintenancePercent Sets the corporations maintainance modifier (in percentage)

(60 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 150 for deity)

iDistanceMaintenancePercent Sets the city maintainance cost modifier for distance (in percentage)

(45 for chieftain, 75 for noble, 100 for deity)

iFreeUnits Sets how many units don't need maintainance

(24 for chieftain, 8 for noble, 1 for deity)

iFreeWinsVsBarbs Sets how many battles are granted to be won against barbarians

(5 for chieftain, 2 for noble, 0 for deity)

iGold Sets how much gold every civ starts with
iHappyBonus Sets the happiness bonus/malus for every city

(6 for chieftain, 4 for noble, 4 for deity)

iHealthBonus Sets the health bonus/malus for every city

(4 for chieftain, 2 for noble, 2 for deity)

iInflationPercent Sets the inflation modifier (how much expenses increase as the game goes on) (in percentage)

(60 for chieftain, 90 for noble, 100 for deity)

iMaxColonyMaintenance A factor used to determine the maximum maintainance cost for colonies (in percentage)

(200 for chieftain, 200 for noble, 200 for deity)

iMaxNumCitiesMaintenance Sets the max number of cities that contribute to the city maintainance cost

(4 for chieftain, 5 for noble, 8 for deity)

iNoTechTradeModifier Sets a percent modifier for an AI, that determines how many techs a rival can get by trade, before the AI thinks he is becoming too advanced.

(100 for chieftain, 70 for noble, 20 for deity)

iNumCitiesMaintenancePercent Sets the city maintainance cost modifier for number of cities (in percentage)

(40 for chieftain, 70 for noble, 100 for deity)

iResearchPercent Sets the technology cost modifier (in percentage)

(60 for chieftain, 100 for noble, 130 for deity)

iStartingDefenseUnits Sets how many extra defensive units every player starts with

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 0 for deity)

iStartingExploreUnits Sets how many explorer units every player starts with

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 0 for deity)

iStartingWorkerUnits Sets how many extra workers every player starts with

(0 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 0 for deity)

iStartingLocPercent Unknown
iTechTradeKnownModifier Sets a percent modifier for an AI, that determines how much he will monopoly his techs

(-100 for chieftain, 0 for noble, 0 for deity)

iUnitCostPercent Sets the unit support cost modifier (in percentage)

(20 for chieftain, 50 for noble, 100 for deity)

iUnownedTilesPerBarbarianCity A factor that determines how many barbarian cities can appear in a given continent or island with a given unowned size

(160 for chieftain, 130 for noble, 80 for deity)

iUnownedTilesPerBarbarianUnit A factor that determines how many barbarians can appear in a given continent or island with a given unowned size

(150 for chieftain, 60 for noble, 25 for deity)

iUnownedTilesPerGameAnimal Sets how many animals can appear in a given continent or island (a value of n means that a size 50 island, with no owners, may have 10/n animals)

(100 for chieftain, 50 for noble, 20 for deity)

iUnownedWaterTilesPerBarbarianUnit A factor that determines how many barbarian ships can appear in a world with a given size

(750 for chieftain, 500 for noble, 250 for deity)

Lists (Multi-line)

All List tags consist of an opening/closing tag, which is shown here, and then each entry within it is another tag with the same name as the parent tag, minus the "s" (i.e. singular, rather than plural).

Tag Name Description
AIFreeTechs Contains a set of FreeTech nodes. Each specified tech is given to AI players when the game starts. The possible values are specified in the Assets\Xml\Technologies\CIV4TechInfos.xml file.
FreeTechs Contains a set of FreeTech nodes. Each specified tech is given to every player when the game starts. The possible values are specified in the Assets\Xml\Technologies\CIV4TechInfos.xml file.
Goodies Contains a set of GoodyType. When entering a goody hut, the result is randomly picked between the entries in this set. The same item can be repeated, if you want it more likely to be picked. The possible values are specified in the Assets\Xml\GameInfo\CIV4GoodyInfo.xml file.


In the following example of code, please note that there is a specific order of all of the tags. You must list the tags in this order for the game to properly interpret your file.





Audio; Buildings:




Civilizations; Events:
















Italics: Beyond the Sword only